Tuesday, January 25, 2011


A grand edifice of a humble thought,

A penniless life, glory in death it bought,

Ravenous rumbling of hunger in earth's bosom,

Grave understandings of vaccum suction,

Dark black, red, brown and white,

Dry sands and wet sands, granite,

A virtuos deed, a dime a dozen,

Gone, Long lost and forgotten,

Jasmine buds and roses red and white,

Dry sands and wet sands, granite.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Random Humanity....(Poetry)

The undulating fabric of human existence,
Of all hues and shades, of lackluster and radiance,
A whole with a whole lot of holes,
Silver lining lined with dark substance,
A slimy grimy mixture of tar and dust,
Off the hands of a labourer, poor but robust,
Or pale and pampered child of abundance,
Malnourished melodies unsung and lost,
Or overfed hearts pumping oil in blood.
Of diamonds and distress living alongside,
In far reaches of the African forests,
Of Siberian winters with chapped hands of woodcutters,
And summers on the French Riviera.
Of magnificient Taj and miniscule hutments,
Of Vietnam and Afghanistan,
Thousand soldiers felled by a single bullet,
And all the rich men washed out in tsunamis,
Along with the poor, poorer and poorest,
Lest we forget, we are all humans.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The glittering surface of the water,
shining in the moonlight clear,
Broken by the ship's bow,
Ripples scattering the silver,
spilled by the moon, The wind
kissing the water, While whistling
its tune carried from faraway lands,
The lone skipper on the deck,
His eyes fixed on the farawy horizon,
His ears sharp and alert, His mind
on the mission he had set forth for,
His mate alseep amidships, His deckhand
working the aft rigged sail
on the mizzenmast, His quartermaster
counting barrels of rum, His love
waiting for him ashore,
Was she awake? thinking of him?
Yes, somehow he knew she was,
As he was, He smiled and again
fixed his eyes on the journey ahead.

Thank You....

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
I would never have realized the hypocrisy,
Thank you for breaking my heart,
Thank you for making me cry,
Now the no one can tear me apart,
Even my tears have run dry.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
I would have carried on through the pretense,
Thank you for smashing the illusion,
Thank you for getting me out of day dream,
Now I will never fall prey to hallucination,
Now I will never run behind any delusion.