Sunday, March 25, 2012


A pink never used before,
A stroke of red, just one,
Blue wash from bottom to top,
Alternating darker and lighter,
Green just a hue on the sides,
Yellow a big spot with jagged edges,
Empty geometric patterns,
Solid motifs from folklore,
Stripes but unlike tiger,
Just three across right top corner,
Brown and orange,
A light cyan sprayed over.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Its a thought of independence,
Of arrogance and ignorance,
Of indecision and impatience,
The thought is a seed of action,
An action of despair or brilliance,
An illusion or an experience,
The action or mere pretense,
In that case inaction to invariance,
Dreams of magnificence,
Unaware or ignorant of dependence,
Followed by, followed by, followed by,

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I know you hate me for saying it,
And you hate me more for saying it out loud,
All the things you did in dark,
And all the people you kept in dark,
The whispers you didn't mind,
Screams you stifled,
Your ways etched in sand,
Your means worse than the end,
Yet you thought, never ever,
Never ever would someone rise,
Some one bold enough to know,
And someone brazen enough to speak,
Speak out.