Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Nobody is Perfect..

Not much of a realization. A kind of widely accepted principle, I must say. But still, I have this habit of evaluating people’s behavior and analyzing their actions. When I meet someone new, I do not form instantaneous opinions of them. For some time, I observe their actions and their reactions to various stimuli and then form my perception of them. This again, is not my final opinion. I keep on observing and assessing the person. Yes, there are some times when I like or dislike a person at first glance. But I try to overcome such bias and understand the person better.
But the problem comes after an opinion formed after much of evaluating and analyzing proves wrong. Well, most of the times it does not prove completely wrong but many a times some vital assumption about the person turns out to be incorrect. I do not expect anyone to be perfect. I will not, at least till I can call myself perfect, and I am still far off from that target.
Sometimes a person is very nice and interesting to talk to, very kind in his manners, very amicable by nature but later on a selfish tinge appears on them. I mean we all are selfish, but in varying degrees, and there is a threshold of selfishness, which if crossed, makes selfishness very apparent and annoying at times. Someone I met recently appeared to be very meticulous, very dedicated towards his work and very hardworking. He is also very honest and frank person. I had begun to respect this person a lot. But lately I have noticed an ‘I know all’ attitude in this person. A mix of arrogance and ignorance which is seldom obscured by his friendly demeanour.
Such instances suddenly bring to fore the reality that nobody’s perfect, and that too in a very ‘in your face’, vehement way. What matters more is then to live with that reality. Hence rather than the ability to gauge and recognize people, which itself is a very important skill, more important is the ability to accept people as they are and be more understanding and compassionate.


Anonymous said...

True. Tolerance and acceptance indeed.

Mirage .... said...

yeah we as humans tend to build judmental opinion abt a person which in my case many atimes have fallen back onto me ...

Sherry said...

so very very true :)